Friday, 31 August 2012

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans!  There is another code out for 4SB until 3PM PDT on the Swagbucks Facebook page.  Thanks to My Money Sites for the head's up.

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans!  There is a code out on the Swagbucks Canada Facebook page for 5SB until 12PM PDT!

Thursday, 30 August 2012

GiftHulk Code

Good morning GiftHulk fans!  There is a Fountain of Youth code available for 5HC, valid for the first 5000 users.  Enter "2000000keys" without the quotation marks into the Fountain of Youth.

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans!  There is another code out, this one on the Blog for everyone for 6SB until 3:30PM PDT.  Thanks to Karen Cail Hill for the head's up.

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans!  There is a code out worth 5SB until 3:30PM PDT just for Canadians on Swagbucks new Facebook page for Canadians.

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

CantBeatFree Code

Hey CBF fans!  There is a promo code that was sent out via email for 7 points!  Don't forget to check your email and log in and claim your points.

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans!  There is a code out on the Swagbucks Homepage Slider for 7SB until 5:30PM PDT.  Thank you to Karen Cail Hill and Molly Kaur Sian for the head's up!

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans.  There is a code out on the Swidget for 4SB until 10pm PDT.

Thanks Monique Sampson for the head's up!

Monday, 20 August 2012

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans!  There is a code out on the Blog for 8SB until 5:30PM PDT.

Thanks to Deana Vipère and Monique Sampson for the head's up!

Saturday, 18 August 2012

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans!  There is a code out on the blog for 7SB until 10PM PDT.  Thanks to Robert Ramsden and Molly Saur Kian for the head's up!

Friday, 17 August 2012

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans!  There is a code out on Facebook for 6SB until 2:30PM PDT.  Thanks to the awesome Monique Sampson for the head's up!

GiftHulk Code

Hey GiftHulk fans!  There is a Newsletter Fountain of Youth code out.  Enter "bigoffer-bigprize" without quotation marks into the Fountain of Youth box.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans!  There is a code out on the Blog for 5SB until 2pm PDT.

iRazoo Treasure Code

New Treasure Code for iRazoo.  Enter "iphone5coming" without quotation marks into the Treasure Code box.  Code expires: 8/22/2012 8:26:00 AM EST." Thanks for the head's up Rick Chong!

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans!  There is a code out in Twitter for 5SB until 6pm PDT!

CantBeatFree Code

Hey CBF fans!  Every Monday J puts out a code on the News section in a video, but this week there was no video!  But, I did get a code in my email, so check your email!  Enter the code in the Promo Code box to get 5 points.

Monday, 13 August 2012

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans!  There is a code out on Twitter for 5SB until 5:30PM PDT. 

Thanks to Karen Cail Hill for the head's up!

Thursday, 9 August 2012

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans!  There is a code out on the Swidget for 6SB until 11:45AM PDT.

Thanks to Karen Cail Hill for the head's up!

Wednesday, 8 August 2012

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans!  There is a code out on Twitter for 4SB until 6:40PM PDT.

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans!  There is a code out on the Swagbucks Pinterest Page for 7SB until 3PM PDT.

To find the code, click "Activities" and it is on one of the recent "pins".

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans!  There is a code out on the Facebook page for 5SB until 1:30pm PDT.

Thank you Monique Sampson for the head's up!

GiftHulk Code

Hey GiftHulk fans!  There is a new newsletter code out for 5HC.  Enter "gifthulktvtrending" without quotation marks into the Fountain of Youth box.

Monday, 6 August 2012

CantBeatFree Code

Hey CBF fans.  Since it's Monday, that means there's a new code out on CBF.  This one is for 4 points.  Head on over and watch the video on the News and enter the code Here.

SwagSports Code Extravaganza Code #8

Hey Swagbucks fans!  The last code is out on Facebook for 8SB until 6pm PDT.

SwagSports Code Extravaganza Code #7

Hey Swagbucks fans.  Code #7 clue is out on Twitter for 9SB until 4:30PM PDT.

SwagSports Code Extravaganza Code #6 and Clue #15 and #16

Hey Swagbucks fans.  Code #6 is on the Blog for 15SB until 3:30PM PDT.

Clues #15 and #16 were also released on the same Blog.

SwagSports Code Extravaganza Code #5

Hey Swagbucks fans! Code #5 is out on the Swagbucks homepage for 7SB until 1:30PM PDT.

SwagSports Code Extravaganza Clues #13 and #14

Hey Swagbucks fans!  Logic Puzzle clue #13 and #14 are out on Twitter.

SwagSports Code Extravaganze Code #4 and Clue #11 and #12

Hey Swagbucks fans!  Code# 4 is out on the Blog for 8SB until 1PM PDT.

Clue #11 and #12 are also on the same blog post.

SwagSports Code Extravaganza Clues #9 and #10

Hey Swagbucks fans!  Logic Puzzle clues #9 and #10 are out on Facebook!

SwagSports Code Extravaganza Code #3

Hey Swagbucks fans!  The third code is out on the Swidget for 7SB until 11AM PDT!

SwagSports Code Extravaganza Clues #7 and #8

Hey Swagbucks fans!  Logic Puzzle clues #7 and #8 are out on the Blog.

SwagSports Code Extravaganza Code# 2

Hey Swagbucks fans!  Code# 2 is out on Twitter for 5SB until 9AM PDT!

SwagSports Code Extravaganza Clues #5 and #6

Hey Swagbucks fans!  Logic Puzzle clues #5 and #6 are out on the Blog

SwagSports Code Extravaganza Clues #3 and #4

Hey Swagbucks fans!  Clues #3 and #4 are available on Swagbuck's Twitter page

SwagSports Code Extravaganza Clues #1 and #2 and Code#1

Good morning Swaggers.  The first two clues for the Logic Puzzle are on Swagbuck's Facebook page.

There is also a code out worth 6SB until 6AM PDT.  One of the words from the two provided clues is a code worth 6 SB by 6am PDT. Enter it in the "Gimme" box on the Swagbucks homepage.

Friday, 3 August 2012

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans!  There is a code on the Swidget for 4SB until 5:30PM PDT!

Swagbucks Code

Hey Swagbucks fans.  There is a code out on Twitter for 6SB until 1pm PDT.

Thanks to Monique Sampson for the head's up!

Thursday, 2 August 2012

GiftHulk Update

Hey GiftHulk fans!  GiftHulk is now offering 1HC every day for the first search you do with their GiftHulk Toolbar search feature.  Find out more details on how to add the Toolbar Here.

Not yet available for Mac users.

Swagbucks Code

Good morning Swaggers!  There is a code out on Facebook for 7SB until 10AM PDT.  You might want to read the Daily Discussion posts.

Swagcode Extravaganza Logic Puzzle

Good morning Swagbucks fans!  Swagbucks will be having a SwagSports Code Extravaganza on Monday August 6th, right on the long weekend!  The codes will be worth up to 65SB, which could really help if the goal day is high.  This Extravaganza will be Olympic themed, and there will be code clues released that will require you to use their special "Logic Puzzle". 

You can refer back to the Logic Puzzle here if you need it, or you can print it.

If you could be an Olympic Champion in a single event, what would it be? The SwagBucks Team tried out for some'll have to see for yourself how that turned out!

Zoombucks Code

Good morning Zoombucks fans!  There is a Promo Code available for 3ZB!  Get your code Here and enter it Here.  Thanks Rick Chong for the head's up!

GiftHulk Code

Hey GiftHulk fans!   Special Newsletter Fountain of Youth Code:

Enter "MoreOffers-FasterRedemption" at the Fountain of Youth and you will be awarded with 5 Hulk Coins!  Valid for first 5000 users!

Thanks to My Money Sites for the head's up