Saturday, 2 March 2013

GiftHulk Code

Hey GiftHulk fans!  There is a new code available from the weekly Newsletter.  Enter "giveawayandcontest" without quotation marks into the Fountain of Youth and you will be awarded 5 Hulk Coins.  Valid for the first 10,000 users.  Thanks to Edie M for the head's up!  This is still valid as of today as I recently was able to get the HC.

The Newsletter also announces their International Women's Day contest again.

Check out the full Newsletter below:

$100 Giveaway!

Celebrate International Women’s Day!


International Women’s Day is annually held on March 8 to celebrate women’s achievements throughout history and across nations.
Celebrate it with with $100 GiftHulk International Women’s Day Giveaway!

There will be plenty of winners! And they will get:
2 Winners will get $25 Amazon Gift Card / PayPal each!
3 Winners will get $10 Amazon Gift Card / PayPal each!
4 Winners will get $5 Amazon Gift Cards / PayPal each!
Enter the Giveaway!
Refer and Win!

Win in the Referral Contest!

View and control all your referring activity from one place – The Referral Dashboard!
It will take you one click to Share yourreferral link on any social network  and one more click to see how your referralnumbers grow!

Best referrers will be awarded in the end of each month in the Referral Contest!
Refer and Win in March Referral Contest!
Eat Out
Eat Out - Pay Less!

Eat Out - Pay Less!

Register at Eat Out Pay Less and find the best prices with cash back, discounts, exclusive coupons and more!

Subscribe and earn 40 Hulk Coins and 4 Daily Keys!
Fountain of Youth
Get the Code!

Newsletter Fountain of Youth Code!

Special Newsletter Fountain of Youth Code:

Enter "giveawayandcontest" at the Fountain of Youth and you will be awarded 5 Hulk Coins!

Valid for the first 10000 users!

Don't forget to stay tuned:
GiftHulk Facebook / GiftHulk Twitter / GiftHulk Blog 
Know your credit score!

Equifax Offer - 1460 Hulk Coins!

Get Unlimited Equifax Credit Scores with Equifax Complete Advantage™ The easy, two-in-one way to stay on top of your credit and protect your identity. Limited-time only $4.95 your first month.

Order trial with valid credit card paying the initial $4.95 first month fee and get 1460 Hulk Coins and 146 Daily Keys!

Join me at GiftHulk
Creative Commons License
Canadian Money Makers and Savers is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
Based on a work at

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