Good morning everyone.
With GiftHulk removing the $5 GC from their store, they noted they would be attempting to get in the $10 GC for a better price. While their has been no further announcements regarding this, I checked the store today and noted they now offer $10, $20 and $30 GC's.
Their prices are:
$10 - 1129HC (112.9HC per $1)
$20 - 2199HC (109.95HC per $1)
$30 - 3149HC (104.96HC per $1)
This is a vast difference between the price we were offered before for the $5 GC. Previously GiftHulk offered the $5 GC for a mere 439HC (87.8 per $1), making the site have one of the best redemption rates. Only CantBeatFree was better if you are a VIP member.
The new prices are in-line with their higher offerings, however the prices now are so vastly different, that it is much less rewarding to redeem.
GiftHulk has now dropped behind CantBeatFree, Swagbucks, Zoombucks and even the new kid on the block PrizeZombie for redemption rates. One of their biggest draws was the great rate of 439HC per $5 Amazon card as well as unlimited redemptions and the possibility of a store discount.
They are also not allowing Canadians to redeem for the $5 GC, impacting many Canadian users who preferred the GC's.
While they state that the $5 GC may be returning in 2013, it is not a certainty. It appears they are pulling away from their Canadian users as there is very little offerings for us there. With the jump in redemption cost, any bonus received from "Boosts" and "Store discounts" is greatly negated by how little is offered for Canadians, especially with the lower payouts on many offers and surveys compared to other sites.
I have always found their offer payouts lower than other sites, but depending on what was available I chose to do my offers here because of the unlimited $5 GC. I am hoping that GiftHulk is true to their word and the cheaper $5 GC will return in the new year. However their changing the rates so unexpectedly gives me little confidence that it will be so. Especially since doing this before Christmas will impact those that rely on these kinds of sites for an extra little boost to help purchase gifts. And the way it was handled, doing it without any warning whatsoever, which greatly devalued any points that people were holding onto in hopes for a store discount...has left me with a bad taste in my mouth.
I understand that there may be circumstances we don't know or understand, but I feel let down, and it will be difficult for them to gain my trust back.
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