Wednesday, 10 April 2013 New Shopping Options

So who's all excited that is starting to look a tiny bit more like  Beauty, Household Products and more!  I love that they are finally starting to offer more stuff and I hope this is just the beginning.

I purchased rechargeable batteries from them recently, and while the chargers and batteries that came with them are great, the batteries I ordered to have even more backups did not hold a charge at all.  But, this was no problem at all with Amazon's super easy return policy.  Just file your request to return, pack it up and send it off with it's label.  I've had to return a few things to Amazon for various reasons and I have never had a problem with them.  In fact, I think I've had better customer service from Amazon than I've had through some brick and mortar retailers and other online stores including Walmart,ca where I had some trouble with the site and customer service.  You can read about that HERE if you wish.

Back to Amazon, I have to say that I am super excited to see that their offerings are getting bigger and more diverse.  I'm looking forward to what they will be offering for nail polish and nail art items as well as regular household supplies, beauty and health and personal care. If they sold toilet paper, and delivered it to my house for a great price, would I do it?  The answer to that is a huge, resounding yes.  What makes it even better is all of the gift cards I have earned through my various earning websites, they can be put toward buying body wash, skin care products, cleaning products, and other various household items that we use all the time.  I think this is a fabulous idea and I hope they get even more products soon.

So what do you think?  Would you buy your toiletries, makeup or household items off  I'd love to hear what you think.  Let me know why or why not or if you already purchased some things.

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